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Simple Pipeline Improvements

I wrote those tools on my own when I felt that something could be done quicker with a script. Here are a few exemples:

My co-workers were spending more time searching for [x,y,z] coordinates than fixing the actual bugs when we were working on big maps. With this script they could simply cut&paste the coordinates.

Generic "Batch Exporter" tool. I have built several variations of these scripts for specific purposes such as updating materials, adding dummies to animations, error checking, etc.

This one saves the exported file's path, name and settings directly into the .max file. No more time wasted finding the right settings and directory all the time, you click "export" and you're done.

The programmers didnt provide us with good tools to identify which objects had collision flags, so I made my own. The wirecolor of all objects with the selected flag would turn red.

Some of the tools I wrote for myself while optimizing the game's environments to create low-polygon collision models.